family couch popcorn

Indoor Fun When It’s Freezing

The weather outside is frightful, but that doesn’t mean that the kids aren’t ready for something fun to do. While going outside to play may not be an option, finding joy indoors can be done. Frigid temps and too much snow make outdoor play dangerous, so here are four fun ideas for at-home entertainment. Once the weather gets warms up, everyone can head back outside again and play!

Kids reading

Get a Reading Playgroup Together

A reading playgroup is a fun after-school or weekend activity for book-loving kids (and adults alike!) There is endless excitement and adventure on the pages of great books. Cozy up indoors and read your favorite books. The kids can take turns reading. Each time you meet, a different child can select the book, or the group can make a list together for the entire season.

Here are some tips to get your kids’ reading playgroup underway.

A Day at “The Movies”

There is no need to brave the storms to make it to the local movie theater, where you can rent a kid-friendly film at home. Dim the lights, pop some popcorn, and snuggle up on the sofa. You can even create “tickets” from construction paper and have one of the kids collect the stubs. Make it a double feature for an entire afternoon of on-screen, at-home entertainment.

DIY Sundae Bar

ice cream

Even on the coldest of days, kids still scream for ice cream. Set out bowls of various toppings like fresh fruit, carob chips, raisins, chopped nuts, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, and cherries, and let each kid create their specialty sundae. Take things up a notch by serving the ice cream or fro-yo in a long boat-shaped dish with sliced bananas and whipped cream for a homemade banana split!

Sock Puppet Theater

Let the kids use their imaginations by decorating old (but clean) tube socks and transforming them into adorable hand puppets. They can write a script and act out the scenes with their sock puppets. There’s never a dull moment when the kids are being creative.

What do you encourage the kids to do when they are stuck in the house? We would love to share your entertainment ideas with the AMC community.

For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay