Notes From The AMC Staff, Remote Learning, And A Big Congrats!
A Note From Our Executive Team:
As the school year comes to an end, we reflect back on the unique challenges that were presented to us during this unprecedented time. This 2020 school year is one that will always be remembered. It seems so long ago that we were sitting in a room talking about the possibility of making our programs virtual. We contemplated the timing of each class and the AMC families, and how we could best serve the needs of the students. All the teachers were forced to learn a whole new platform while also thinking about how COVID-19 could possibly affect them and their families.
Yet, we embraced the change, adapted, and thrived. We are overcome with a feeling of gratitude for the staff at AMC. They said, “We got this,” and they really did an incredible job. Whether they were veteran teachers set in their ways, or new teachers eager to try new things, everyone banded together and did everything they possibly could to help the students navigate a different way of learning. The students deserve credit as well. They were socially disconnected from friends and tasked to come out of their comfort zone, but they rose to each challenge. We are truly proud of each and every one of them.
We are optimistic for the future and looking forward to the new children entering our preschools and programs.
Thank you again to the AMC team that has been our rock through a challenging year. They have shown us that there is no “I” in “team,” and that they are the best team we could have ever imagined. We feel fortunate to work beside them and cannot wait for the 2020-2021 school year. Lastly, to the families and children, thank you for stepping up and working hard until the very end. It has been our joy and privilege coming into your classrooms virtually and watching you in your classes. We are one team and a winning one.
Have a great summer!
A Note From Nechamie Goldberg SPED Placement Coordinator:
As this most unique school year draws to a close, I want to thank you, particularly those of you who extended yourselves to make remote therapy work – for your dedication, perseverance, professionalism, and the expertise you have gifted to our children.
Thank you for communicating with parents, for giving each child love, education, therapeutic intervention, representation (advocacy through solid reporting), and the skills they need to move forward into the coming school year.
Thank you for timely, honest billing, and quality quarterly reports.
Thank you for communicating with parents, teachers, related service providers, and our administrative team, so that we hear from you about the best and most challenging parts of being a seit, and so that we can adequately support you in ensuring that our children and families receive exactly what they need.
The ups and downs as we navigated COVID-19 and its inherent challenges, highlighted for all of us the crucial role a seit plays in each child’s life, but also how necessary is teamwork, and we hope that those lessons stay with us, as we venture into summer and the coming school year.
We look forward to continued and constantly improved partnerships with you in servicing our children with necessary special education services!
Please also be sure to communicate with us regarding any concerns and special considerations you may have, so that we can continue to enhance our partnership with you.
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and rejuvenating summer!
Special Education Remote Learning:
HOW: Using devices, the special education staff at All My Children have been planning and preparing interactive, engaging, and informative sessions to reinforce learned information and skills during this difficult time. Additionally, we closely collaborate with the families of the students to ensure all concerns and needs are being met.
WHY: As special education instructors, we advocate for the students in our care. Consequently, our devoted team of special education staff has worked endlessly to make that a success. Daily sessions are provided using a variety of materials and activities. We utilize visuals and hands-on activities that provide opportunities for the students to share what they know via devices and movement activities. These include music as well other activities around the house that engage and maintain engagement throughout the session while reinforcing learned information and skills.
We want to wish our Executive Director Laurie Shaked a Mazel Tov on the birth of a baby boy! Plus a big Mazel Tov to Mira Zavourov, our Preschool Director on the birth of her baby boy!