Fruit Salads for Spring

Finally! Spring has arrived, and we are all so thrilled to welcome the warm weather. What could be nicer than feeling the sunshine on our skin and enjoying the longer days? How about a fresh fruit salad? Once the temperature rises, it feels great to eat light and take advantage of the ripe and juicy fruit available at the grocer and farmers’ market.

Another perk of digging into healthy food this time of year is that it teaches our kids that the “good stuff” can be something that’s good for them too. Who needs processed cookies and cakes when luscious fresh fruit is on the menu? Here are two fun fruit salads that are super-simple to make and even easier to eat. You will love them, and the kids will too!

Berries and Cherries

Berries and cherries go together wonderfully. Kids love the different shapes, and the colors are rich and vibrant. Plus, berries are chock-full of vitamins kids need. Here is how to make the “Berries and Cherries” fruit salad. Makes 2 servings.


1 cup blueberries

1 cup raspberries

1 cup strawberries, sliced

1 cup cherries, remove pits

1 cup vanilla yogurt (not Greek)

1 tablespoon chia seeds

1 tablespoon flax seeds

¼ cup honey or maple syrup

Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix gently as to not damage the fruit. Scoop into bowls and serve. Tasty and terrific!

Bananas and Apples Gone Nuts

Kids love the sweetness of bananas and the crispness of apples. Bring them together with a twist in this unique fruit salad. Makes 2 servings.


2 medium bananas, sliced into bite-sized pieces

1 large apple, diced (any kind of apple works)

¼ cup honey roasted peanuts (you can use any other kind of nut if you prefer)

¼ cup raisins

1 cup banana flavored yogurt (not Greek)

1 tablespoon cinnamon

Gently combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Spoon into bowls and dig in. Add a dollop of whipped cream on top and serve as a fresh dessert as another option.

Enjoy your fruit salads. We know you’ll love ‘em!

For more info like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay



Comments (1)

  • Elizabeth April 22, 2019 - 5 years ago

    Very good recipes for children and adults
    Good information

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