What Mom needs to know to keep baby’s smile bright
Even though she’s just getting used to having them, there isn’t a better time than when your little girl is a toddler to start looking after the teeth you hope she’s going to have for a lifetime. Starting with the basics, dental associations all recommend you limit the amount of sugar she eats and the amount of time she’s allowed to have it in her mouth. While we’ve all been told it’s bad for your teeth since we were toddlers ourselves, Mom and Dad might not know exactly why this is the case, so here’s the science behind the warning.
Mixing the bacteria that’s already in his little mouth can turn sugar into a mild acid that in turn breaks down the hard enamel that protects the teeth. Now that you’ve got the lowdown on why you need to be cautious, here’s a few alternate ideas that will head any nasty cavities off at the pass.
- Treats between meals should be sugar free and water is a great way to get him started on acquiring a taste for the things that are healthy.
- If you want to give them desserts, make sure the ice cream and cake comes right after the meal so there’s still some extra saliva in the mouth to wash away any extra sugar.
Of course there are other aspects to her early dental care. Here’s a few more tips you can adopt as routines to ensure her budding smile gets a great head start.
Being Proactive
Research says your child needs to have a first dental checkup by their first birthday. Getting them used to doing their part in a dental hygiene routine of their own can even start before they have their own first set of teeth. Gently cleaning his gums with a baby toothbrush and some water can introduce him to the way brushing feels. If you’re not comfortable with a toothbrush, massaging his gums with a wet washcloth is a good first step in showing him what’s to come.
When those baby teeth first appear, you can start brushing for real with a baby toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Flossing can start sooner than you might think when at least two of his teeth sit beside each other but it’s best to check with the professionals on the schedules and techniques that are best suited to you and your toddler. Those same experts can suggest when it’s best to start using mouthwash but of course he needs to be old enough to know how to spit it out.
Sugary liquids need to be avoided and if you put your child down with a bottle of milk, formula or juice, you run the risk of encouraging bacteria growth that hastens tooth decay and can result in what’s been termed Baby Bottle Decay. That goes for overusing the Sippy Cup too. While these are great tools to help her make the transition from a bottle to a glass, using one of these too often can lead to decay in the backs of the front teeth if the drinks inside contain too much of the sweet stuff.
Read more info like this at All My Children.
Author: Rob Starr