Ways to Keep Your Little Ones Well-Behaved In Restaurants

It’s always a treat to be able to dine out with the family, but sometimes toddlers aren’t as well-behaved as we’d like for them to be. While your toddler may behave well at the dinner table at home, things may take a turn for the worse while out in public. Of course, we don’t recommend taking a toddler to an upscale restaurant, but even in kid-friendly establishments, parents cringe at the thought of their child acting out, and the looks on the other patrons’ faces surely don’t help the situation. Here are some useful tips to keep your child on her best behavior while dining out. Nothing is guaranteed, as toddlers surely have minds of their own, but these ideas may help you prevent or stop an episode of misbehavior in restaurants.

Bring a Coloring Book or Toy

Toddlers need stimulation constantly, and even amid the hustle and bustle of a busy restaurant, a tot can become antsy. If you supply her with a small coloring book or toy as you wait for the meal, she will surely be less likely to scream or cry for attention or out of sheer boredom. Even a smart phone or iPad with some kid-friendly apps will do the trick to keep her entertained. Some restaurants will actually supply crayons and a cute placemat to draw on. If you keep your child occupied before and even during the meal, she will be more content and peaceful throughout your time out.

Take Along Some Snacks

While it may sound odd to bring your own food to a restaurant, this may save you from a tantrum in the long run. The wait for the food may be longer than expected and your toddler may get hungry or restless. A few bites of dry cereal or some crackers may be the difference between a delightful dining experience and an awful one. In another case, she may not like the food she ordered. You will be prepared with something to nibble on if that happens. Make sure you bring something easy to eat and it’s a snack you are sure she loves.

Keep the Meal Short and Sweet

One of the best ways to avoid a behavior issue is to keep the meal short as possible. The longer you are there, the greater the chance your toddler will have a bad moment (or more). Be sure to make a reservation and go out on nights that are not as busy as others. Look up the menu online beforehand so you are ready to place the family’s order immediately. Try to get your appetizers and main dishes served at the same time. The quicker you can make the meal, the better, and you’ll see that your toddler can make it through the meal without issue.
How do you keep your child well-behaved in restaurants? How have you reacted when your child has acted out? We’d love to share your tips with the AMC community. For more info like this, please visit All My Children Daycare.
By: Melissa A. Kay
