Using Your A, B, Cs for Back-to-School Shopping
Just like the kids in school, simplicity is the way to start when it comes to back-to-school savings, whether you’re buying gear for your kids in day care or for a higher level educational center. By being well-organized and with some smart pre-planning, you can shop for all the back-to-school essentials simply and strategically. Plus, you’ll save money, and who doesn’t want to do that?
It’s easy. Just follow your A, B, Cs… just like the children do in school. Before you know it, everything will be in order for a prosperous school year.
- Alphabetize
List out what you need in order from A-Z. When everything’s in a solid and organized list, you can do your shopping with a clear plan of action. You don’t have to come up with what you need in alphabetical order, but once you realize there’s something that’s needed, add it to your list where it belongs from A-Z. This type of organizing also helps you think of what’s missing. Plus, the kids will enjoy preparing the list with you when there’s a “game” to it. Think art supplies, ball point pens, construction paper, drawing paper, erasers, etc. You get the idea. Cross things off the list as you purchase them.
- Budget
With what you’ve got to spend, assign your most needed items the highest value and pre-plan your spend. This will help whittle the list down to the necessities. It’s more important that your kids have pencils and paper than the hottest new lunchbox. Use your money wisely and consider how much you’ll need to get. Kids need lots of new items for a new year and back-to-school shopping trips don’t come cheap. Buy what’s on the teacher’s list and only get the extras if you’ve got money to spare. And don’t forget that magic markers will dry out and writing paper will be used up quickly. Keep some extra money set aside for replacements and refills.
- Coordinate
Browse store circulars for sales. See if friends have extra supplies or hand-me-downs. Plan your shopping spree according to what’s sold where and create a pre-determined route. And don’t forget to stick to the plan! Kids will want to get the coolest stuff if they come shopping with you. Perhaps you can allow for one special extra if you’re sure to otherwise shop sensibly. This will not only keep you on track, but it will teach your kids about responsibility and savvy shopping. That’s a lesson they’ll take into adulthood.
Now it’s time to hit the books with all those new back-to-school supplies! If you stick to these A, B, Cs, you’ll get an A+ just like you hope the kids do!
How do you shop for back-to-school supplies wisely? Any good tips for money-savers or shopping tips?
For more info like this, please visit All My Children’s Blogs.
By: Melissa A. Kay