Toddler Halloween Safety Tips
It’s almost time again for candy apples and ghosts, chocolate treats and zombies. However, before you get lost in your child’s enthusiasm for Halloween and charge full ahead into helping him transform into Spiderman and her into Catwoman, you need to remember you’re in charge of both their fun and safety this Oct 31st. That means the only role you’ll be playing is the same one you always get, responsible Mom and Dad.
Helping your children to stay safe as they roam the neighborhood streets looking for treats is only part of your responsibility. It’s more than likely your neighbor’s children will be coming to your door for Trick or Treat too and that means you should start by making your own yard safe for those little ghouls and goblins who come to visit.
Start by keeping safety in mind when you decorate your own yard for Halloween. Remember, there will be little ones scampering up the front walk and steps so you’ll want to keep those areas free from obstructions. You are no doubt be proud of that Jack-o’-lantern you’ve carved out as a family affair, but you’ll need to keep his toothy grimace away from curtains and other flammable materials inside as well.
Of course, you’ll need to be sure your own brood of witches and goblins are safe as they fill up their bags with an assortment of treats and that’s where a little preplanning will go a long way.
Most children will need your supervision to stay safe and have fun on Oct 31st and most experts feel some refresher courses on how to cross streets at the proper crosswalks and obey all traffic signals is an excellent idea. They should stay on the sidewalks at all times or walk facing traffic as far away from the roads as possible if your neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks.
There are a few safety tips Mom and Dad more than likely remember from their time as dressed as superheroes and monsters when they were children. These old standards include telling your children they shouldn’t eat any of the candy until you’ve checked it thoroughly at home since even the chocolate bars the kindly old lady down the road gives out might have been tampered with on the store’s shelves.
When you’re trying to decide what kind of candy will make you a big hit with the neighborhood kids, you need to think of their well-being while trying to make sure they have fun at the same time.
There are treats that are fairly safe and very tasty for toddlers like chocolate bars. It’s best to stay from hard candy and even seemingly harmless lollipops since these can present a choking hazard for younger children.
Finally, while your child may want to explore all of those terrifying decorations that line the streets of your neighborhood, you need to keep in mind that irresistible giant inflatable Casper is lit by spotlights that can burn if touched.
Read more info like this at All My Children.
Author: Rob Starr