Thematic Units Spring AMC
Jewel Ave. Flushing
Center time is all about exploring with friends. Our projects are about investigating the parts of a plant.
85th St. Weather Unit
Check out our mini weather reporters at All My Children Daycare and Nursery Schools on W85th St. The children just finished an “All About Weather” unit and had a blast with this forecasting activity! See the exciting video below.
164th Pl. AMC
The children in Ms. Bimela’s 4-K class at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School at 164th are learning that plants help people and animals. They are making bird feeders with bird food that is made from plants.
More at 164th Pl.
Ms. Bimala’s UPK class is learning about babies. One of their activities was to answer the question, “How much water can a diaper hold?” UPK students care for their babies in the Dramatic Play & Block Centers. Children drew pictures of baby animals after they read the book “I Was Born a Baby” by Meg Fleming.
164th Kindness to Animals
See more photos from 164th here.
Utica Ave. AMC
The teachers added materials to the block area for our Plant Unit to enhance children’s interest and expand their imagination. The bubble wrap blocks were a big hit! They add wonderful sensory input at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School -Utica Ave., Brooklyn.
69th AMC
In the 3K class at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School on 69th Ave in Forest Hills, the theme unit was CARE. Mrs. Marina created a pretend vet clinic for the children where they were taking good care of their pets!
69th 3K – “My Body” Theme
The 3K class at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School on 69th Ave. learned all about “My Body Theme.” The kids enjoyed painting outlines of their bodies to see how much they grew. At AMC, we empower each and every student while creating an innovative space for them to learn and explore with all of their senses.
69th Ave. Light Unit
The 2-year-old class at 69th Avenue learned about shadows during the Light Unit. Insight into how light can reflect to create a dark shadow dawned on the children through the various play interactions.
188th St.
Check out the children at All My Children Daycare on 188th St., learning about the butterfly lifecycle and making beautiful caterpillar artwork.
In Ms. Kristen’s 3K class, the children explore plants, growing, springtime, etc.
DOE’s instructional coordinator visited this classroom, took photos, and complemented Ms. Kristen Zerbo on her efforts with the kids and their independently-led activities. Great job!
Rego Park Planting Theme
Check out the 3K class in Rego Park, Queens – engaged in a springtime planting activity where the “Plant Theme” unit was brought to life. The children are learning how to nurture and take care of living things.
Sutphin – Insects
The two-year-old children in Ms. Mendoza’s 2-K Classroom at Sutphin Blvd. are investigating butterflies during the insect unit.
So much to see at Sutphin! Click HERE for more photos.
UPK at Rogers Ave. Plant Unit
The UPK classes at Rogers Avenue measured flowers and graphed their favorite flowers during the Plant Unit. Emphasis on “less” and “more” and seeing how the numbers increased the graph line helped to support numerical awareness.
Rogers Ave. Care Unit
The 3-K classes at Rogers Avenue changed their dramatic play into a Veterinarian Hospital during the Care Unit. The children dressed up as veterinarians and pretended to care for animals. Children’s sensitivity and empathy for animals were fostered through caring for the “animals.”
Sutphin Blvd. Water Unit
The Librarian came to Sutphin Blvd and read the book, “Water.” The children were then invited to place droppers in colored water and predict how many drops of water would fill the circles. This helped to expand children’s understanding of amounts, shapes, and the properties of liquid. This also challenged their higher-order thinking with efforts toward effective predictions.
Sutphin “Healthy Smiles” Unit
Healthy Smiles visited Sutphin Blvd. The dentist checked the children’s teeth to ensure they all had healthy smiles. It is important for children to learn about dental care and hygiene.
Mayfield Transformations Unit
During the Transformations Unit, the children released butterflies in Ms. Donna’s UPK classroom at Mayfield AMC.