Skill-Building at All My Children
188th St. AMC – Fitness Skills
After a healthy breakfast, the kids at 188th Street, Jamaica Estates, NY, are off to a great start enjoying gymnastics class and staying fit! Thank you, Coach D!
188th St. UPK – Turn and Talk
The children in Ms. Christine’s UPK classroom engaged in collaborative conversations, speaking, and listening during Turn and Talk. They discussed things that can transform, like how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly and a tadpole transforms into a frog.
Preschool at Mayfield Ave. Jamaica Estates – Sensory Play
Check out these skills the children are learning, such as sensory play, writing, and more!
85th St. – Motor Skills and Reading
Outdoor play, reading, motor skills, and more!
Amsterdam – Circle Time
Giovanna Dato leads circle time with the assistance of TA Destiny Pierre.
69th AMC – Science Skills
Take a look at our 3K class during science center, observing parts of flowers up close and learning how to care for plants at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School, 69th Ave, Forest Hills.
69th 2K – Motor Skills
Check out Class C – our 2K toddler class at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School on 69th Ave, in Forest Hills. The children were busy exploring ABC puzzles, working with numbered stamps and ink pads, coloring, creating, building together in the block center, reading, and having fun outdoors!
69th – Science Skills
Check out the students in our 3K classroom on 69th Ave., engaged in a fun science experiment!
Brooklyn AMC – Science Skills
The kids at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School had a blast this week. They learned about volcanoes and participated in a cool lava experiment! Check out the video of the experience below.
Rego Park AMC – Arts and Crafts
Learning About Oral Health Care at AMC
At All My Children Daycare and Nursery School, we take pride in caring for children’s oral health and beautiful smiles! The children enjoyed a dental visit, learned about dental hygiene, proper brushing methods, and received toothbrushes and toothpaste to take home!
UWS AMC – Science Skills
Parents and children on the UWS came together for a planting activity at All My Children Daycare. The children have been watering, giving sunlight, and tending to their classroom plants and are amazed at how nicely they are growing!
Lefferts Ave. – Motor Skills
The children at Lefferts Ave, Brooklyn, worked on skill building during circle time and center time at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School. See below how the kids did a great job during circle time.
Mayfield Ave. – Science
Fine Motor Skills – Queens AMC
We discussed light from the moon and stars to expand our understanding of light. The children at our Queens AMC site read Goodnight Moon during storytime. Afterward, our superstars created their own constellations while listening to “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
Art Skills – Queens Site
Jewel Ave. AMC – Fitness Skills
Utica Ave. – Symmetry/Math Skills
At All My Children Daycare & Nursery School, we capture each child’s innate love for learning. Exploring lines of symmetry today in the UPK classroom over at Utica Ave, Brooklyn.
164th AMC Skills – Gardening Skills
We grew fresh tomatoes and cucumbers in the Outdoor Garden. The children planted at All My Children Daycare & Nursery School 110-15 164 Place, Jamaica.
Skill-Building at Crown St.
See more from Crown St. HERE.