Simple Ways to Start Your Child’s Day Off Positively
When a child starts their day off on the right foot, it can make their entire day a great one. As a parent, you can help your child begin each day on a positive note so the energy from within is upbeat and she’s ready to take on the world… or at least the classroom.
With a little parental inspiration, your child will have the self-esteem and reassurance to make her day a positive one from the moment she wakes up until you head out for daycare or school. This vibe will stick with her throughout the day and will make a real difference in how she performs in school, interacts with peers, and how she feels about herself in general.
Here are a few ways to start the day on a high note that will make your child eager to awaken each day. Knowing that you’ll always have words of inspiration and tools to help her to succeed, your child will be confident, happy, and supportive of others by spreading her positivity all around.
Play Music to Wake Her Up
Alarm clocks can be quite alarming and shouting “Wake up!” isn’t exactly the most peaceful way to start the day. Instead, play your child’s favorite song in order to wake her up. You can come up with a week-long playlist for some variety, or have one special “wake up” song to start the day off with some fun. Popping out of bed ready to get on your feet and dancing towards the breakfast table is eye-opening and energizing. You may even want to try this technique for yourself!
Slip a Note Into Her Backpack
Each day, jot down an inspirational quote or some meaningful words of your own onto a piece of paper and slip it into your child’s book bag. She will look forward to the kind words of love and encouragement every day and feel special that you’ve taken the time to make her feel important. You can leave a general message of positivity or make it specific if she has an exam coming up or a ball game after school. She can collect the notes in a binder and reflect back on them when she’s feeling down. This will be a memento to cherish as she gets older.
Eat Breakfast Together
Even if you only have time for a quick bowl of cereal, sit down as a family for breakfast as often as possible. Talk about the day ahead and what your child is looking forward to most. Make sure the meal is as healthy as can be so your child learns how good nutrition will give her the fuel needed for a full day ahead. Not only will your child cherish the time together, but she’ll be well-fed and energized so she can make the most of her day.
What do you do to start your child’s day off on a positive note? For more info like this, please visit All My Children’s Blogs.
By: Melissa A. Kay