New Year’s Resolutions to Make as a Family

As 2016 has begun, folks enjoy making resolutions for a better year to come. Along with making personal goals for 2016, it would be lovely to make promises as a family as well. Can’t think of what you can aspire to as a family unit for the New Year? Here are some inspiring resolutions that will work for nearly any family seeking a bright year to come.

Volunteer More

Giving back to the community is a wonderful way to make the New Year special and productive. People, animals, and the environment need everyone’s attention and loving care. Take the kids to a shelter and help care for the animals. Visit a soup kitchen and help serve meals to the homeless or hungry. Learn more about how you can help protect and preserve the environment. Donate toys, money, food, and clothing whenever you are able to do so. Your children will learn from the virtues of being compassionate and will continue to do so for years to come.

Eat Better

Even if your family is in shape and you don’t need to “diet”, there’s always room to improve your eating habits. Swap full-fat cheeses and milks for low-fat or fat-free. Skip cookies and cakes for dessert and go for fresh fruit or frozen yogurt. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day and add them to existing recipes for an added nutritional boost. Get the kids to help prepare meals so they see what goes into making a healthy dish. Pack well-balanced lunches for the kids to take to school. As long as your diet is doctor-approved and you enjoy it, you will surely look and feel better by eating healthfully as regularly as you can.

Be Patient with One Another

Sometimes family members snap at one another or are less forgiving than they are with those who are not related. Teach your kids to give one another a break. Pick your battles and don’t sweat the small stuff. Little arguments and petty disagreements can lead to bigger problems, so it’s best to let it go. Kindness beats out anger and resentment 100% of the time. A little patience goes a long way within families. You will find that you get along better overall and are happier to spend time together.

Do you have or did you make a New Year’s resolutions as a family this year? Please share your favorites with the AMC community. For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
