My Child Is Asking For a Baby Brother or Sister But We Are Not Planning On Having Another Child

You’ve had one child and for whatever reason it may be, you’ve decided your little family is complete. But what happens when your child sees other kids with siblings and starts asking for one herself?  Here are some ways to explain why she won’t be getting a baby brother or sister and why it’s OK to be an only child. It may take some time for her to get over her hopes and dreams of one day becoming a big sister, but your wise and kind words will help her understand that all families are different and she is very special – with or without a sibling.

She’s Got Family and Friends

Now’s a great time to remind your child what family is all about. No, she may not have that unique bond that siblings share, but her extended family and close friends love her very much. She may have younger cousins or friends with siblings she can play with and become close to. Lots of cousins are raised as though they are siblings in fact. Remind her that the types of things she had hoped to do with her sibling can be done with family and friends too. She can have sleepovers, special talks, and private moments. If she’s asking for a sibling, it shows she wants to share her love, so she’s got lots of people ready to receive it!

Attention is All Hers

Of course, we don’t want our child to become selfish or self-centered, but letting her know that your attention won’t be divided between her and another sibling may help her look on the bright side. All the school recitals, sports games, art fairs, and music concerts will be the family’s pride and joy because she’ll be the star every time. Naturally, you’ll still need to teach her the principles of sharing and patience which she’ll need to utilize when dealing with others, but she’ll surely delight in the fact that while at home, all the toys are hers and mom and dad have plenty of time to dote on her.

She Can Give Her Love to a Pet

Now we’re not saying a pet is the same as a sibling, but love is love. Your child may be old enough to give care to someone else – that may be why she’s asking for a baby brother or sister. See if she’s interested in a kitten or puppy – if you are ready for one too. Perhaps that’s too much to handle for now and a fish or a hamster may be more age-appropriate for the time being. She will be able to give care and compassion to another living being that she isn’t able to share with a sibling.

Do you have an only child who has wondered why he or she doesn’t have a baby brother or sister? How did you best explain why you wouldn’t be having any more kids?

For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s Blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
