How to Stay Connected with Non-Mommy Friends

When women become mothers, sometimes the friendships they fostered with other females start to fade when the others aren’t moms themselves. This usually isn’t by choice or planning, but priorities shift and availability alters for the moms. Those woman to woman relationships shouldn’t and do not have to end. Non-mommy friends are as valuable as those who are also parents. Here are some ways you can stay connected to your friends who do not have children. While you may now have different interests and responsibilities, a friendship is a friendship and the bond can stay strong, even if one of the people in the relationship has a major shift in status.

Invite Her Over for Tea or Lunch

Three hour brunches and carefree afternoons are long gone once you become a mom, particularly to a little one. Your non-mom friends may still be able to enjoy such luxuries, but over time, you may start to feel out of the social loop. You still deserve some time to catch up, gossip, and vent with the ladies. Invite a friend (or more) over to your place for a casual tea or light lunch. Make mimosas, finger sandwiches, and bake some oatmeal cookies. Even if you aren’t out at a hip restaurant, the company is what you’re after, right? You can schedule the date during your child’s naptime or while they are at daycare. Even a couple of hours a week is enough to keep in touch with your girlfriends and stay connected. Plus, you will save money by dining in! The friends will appreciate your invitation and eagerness to keep in touch.

Take Her to a Kid’s Party

Don’t let your non-mom friends feel left out either. When all the other moms are going to kid’s birthday parties every weekend, your non-mom friends may feel out of the loop. Invite a friend to your child’s birthday party to celebrate with you, even if she’s the only one there without a child. She may even want to help decorate or bake cupcakes with you. The more you incorporate your non-mom pals into everyday life, the more time you will have to hang out and realize that although a lot may have changed, you can still have a blast together doing new things.

Schedule a Girls-Only Pampering Day

As a mom, you can certainly use a little “me” time away from the kids, as much as you adore them. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with some non-mom friends for a little pampering and relaxing. Go for manicures and pedicures or a much-needed massage. Afterwards, go for a glass of wine or a latte at the coffee shop. Take time out to catch your breath and do those “adult” things you’ve been missing with a dear friend. You will feel recharged and better connected to your friends and ready to get back to the mommy grind.

How do you keep the friendship alive with your friends who are not moms? What are some things you do together to maintain the relationship? Have you lost any non-mom friends since you’ve had kids?

For more information like this, please visit AMC blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
