Happenings at AMC
Summer Camp Program – Register NOW!
Call 212-419-5416 to register your child. Summer camp starts 7-1.
AMC has teamed up with Amazon Smile to allow you to support your child’s school at no extra cost to you! Amazon Smile allows you to do your regular Amazon shopping while donating 0.5% of the total purchase price to an organization of your choice.
On your first visit to the website, you will be prompted to select an agency from their list of eligible organizations. AMC is listed as All My Children Day Care located in Brooklyn, NY. Amazon will remember your selection and save it under your account, and then for every eligible purchase you make on smile.amazon.com, the Amazon Smile Foundation will make a donation to our school.
To chose our school for donations please visit: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/charitylist/ls/UZ7BF19MJ8JQ/ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl
For more information about Amazon Smile, please visit the main page:
Pre-Purim Bash
See more pics from this fun-filled day!
Einstein’s Birthday

@ 108th St. Children investigated the possibilities of using water and light and other materials on Einstein Day. Concepts we studied- how to make rain water, gravity, and the effect of light on colored chips and prisms.
Rogers PJ Party
Sing-Along Pics
Pics from Books @ Lefferts
Ballet Photos
Ridge News
At Ridge our little learners in our Hut classroom studied different artists and art styles. Some things they looked at were Monet’s water colors and Seurat’s pointillism. They discussed the art they saw and the artist’s technique. Then they had the opportunity to explore different art mediums to create their very own masterpieces. They painted on tin foil, with Q-tips, and used oil pastels and watercolors. They realized that there is more than one way to create art.