Computers and Toddlers: Getting Them Off To A Good Start
Computers are everywhere—from the PCs that are still part of the office environment to the laptop, smartphones and tablets that can and do go everywhere, the digital realm is part of everyone’s experience in the modern world including your toddler’s. The forces that are driving even children too young presently to scroll, click and tap the screen to enter the world of digital learning and play are: parents who want their children to enjoy all the advantages of growing up on the cutting edge of innovation and the industry types that would like tablets and smartphones in the hands of younger and younger generations.
So it’s quite likely your toddler will be basking in the glow of the Internet at some point in their childhood, but the questions for a number of parents is when should they be introduced to the digital world as well as how much and what types of information should they be looking at?
Advocates, understandably, can see nothing wrong with introducing your child to a computer as soon as they show an interest. They point to the intellectual head start computers supply even the youngest budding mind and the strengthening of that all-important physical attribute, hand to eye coordination.
Allowing for your careful supervision, these digital supporters say children can even increase their learning curve with digital devices. Give your toddler exposure to a computer when they’re around two years old and they’ll start learning shapes, letters, colors and numbers through specifically designed computer programs that are made especially for them, according to this crowd. Two years olds love to watch shapes change as they click the mouse and many experts agree that most of these future software engineers understand the concepts behind beginner computer programs early. Parents can participate by finding websites that answer their todder’s questions. When little Billy wants to know where grasshoppers come from, you can find suitable answers online and share the discovery together.
The Wooden Block and Crayon
There are a few caveats you need to follow to make sure they get all they can from the online experience and first Mom and Dad need to remember the keypad should never take the place of the wooden block and crayon entirely. Traditional toys need to keep their place alongside the computer screen so your child still gets the sense of what things weigh, how they feel and how to experience the real world.
Of course, there are those researchers and other experts who don’t believe the early use of computers is in fact good for children. Some even go so far as to say that too much exposure can be detrimental to the developing brain. Some groups have even linked negative effects like eye strain and obesity to an overreliance on computers.
In the end, the best path seems to focus on compromise and having realistic expectations. The reasonable approach is looking at the computer and software like any other interactive toy that allows your child only one way to view the reality around them. Elevating it to the higher position of electronic babysitter can have opposite results to the ones you intend.
Read more info like this at All My Children.
Author: Rob Starr