Are Your Kids Experiencing Stress?
Stress isn’t just for adults. Kids feel it too.
When we think of people being stressed out, adults come to mind. Or perhaps teens or college-age young men and women. But young kids these days have much pressure, too. From schoolwork to friendships to after-school commitments to family matters to world events and news, today’s children are growing up fast and can become heavily stressed from an early start.
Some degree of stress is natural and helpful in their drive to learn and grow. But too much pressure at a young age can be upsetting, debilitating, and even have lifelong consequences. As parents, we can help our kids navigate through situations in their lives that may be stressful. And we can help them find healthy solutions to ease their worries, anxieties, and fears.
These valuable tips can help your children lift that weight off their shoulders. You can help them manage stressful scenarios in the best way possible, and this will help them in the present and give them essential tools they can rely on as they get older and have more burdens and responsibilities.
Make Time to Talk About Stress
Some kids keep a lot inside. They may feel ashamed, embarrassed, or nervous to talk about what is stressing them out. But the more they hold in, the worse the stress can become. If your child is not the type to open up on their own, you must find a way to get them talking.
Make it casual, so your child doesn’t feel confronted or put on the spot. Perhaps chit-chat during a car ride or over a snack. Bedtime is also an excellent opportunity for your child to unload so they can have a restful night’s sleep. Let them know you are always available to talk, no matter the topic. The more they get used to telling you what is on their mind, the more they will do it. Getting things off their chest will diminish your child’s stress. Here are some tips from Dr. Sears to get the conversation started.
Peace Out!
Part of what may be causing your child’s stress is all that’s available to them today. There are television programs, video games, computers, sports, social media, music, and more to occupy our kids’ time. There’s barely a moment’s peace in today’s high-tech climate. Kids are always on the go or online, which can cause overstimulation. Kids (adults, too) need a rest sometimes. After completing the school day and other activities, think about practicing meditation or quiet reflection with your children.
You can put on light music or sounds of nature and sit in a dim room to breathe deeply and unwind. Think of it as a big kid’s “nap time.” Maybe they’d enjoy a cup of green tea or hot cocoa to calm their nerves and feel soothed. If the weather is nice, go for a leisurely walk around the neighborhood or enjoy healthy snacks outdoors on a picnic blanket. And keep those smartphones accessible in case of emergency, but otherwise, put them aside. This quiet time will be a stress reliever and a moment to appreciate the simple things in life.
Could your kids be stressed-out?
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By: Melissa A. Kay