How to Cope with a Child Who is Very Shy

Not every child is the bubbly life of the party, ready to mix and mingle and lead the pack. Some kids are more reserved and even downright shy. That’s ok, but if it hinders their relationships and functioning at school or otherwise, it could pose a problem. When extreme shyness becomes an issue, here are some ways you can help your child blossom into a more outgoing individual.

Role Play

If your child is too timid to approach peers, speak up in class, or put herself into any given situation, a good way to get her used to how it feels is with role play at home where she’s probably much more comfortable and outgoing. Set up scenarios that she’ll face or has avoided in the past and pretend you are the other party. Or, she can play the other role and you can show her how she can interact more assertively. Make it fun so it’s not a bore or an embarrassment. She can use the role play tools the next time she’s with others. Over time, with practice, she’ll start to come out of her shell.

Take a Class

Does your child enjoy art, music, dance, acting, or sports? A great way for her to blossom and become more social is in a group setting with peers who have a common interest. When your child feels confident in her talents and progress, those around her will sense her pride and in turn, she will start to believe in herself. She’ll make friends and lose her reluctance to socialize. Before you know it, she will fit in better and have the ability to go after what she wants.

Have you helped your child overcome shyness? What worked best for your child? For more information like this, please visit All My Children blogs.


By: Melissa A. Kay

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