How to Handle Unwanted Advice About Raising Your Child

Most unsolicited advice comes from someone who believes they are knowledgeable and want the best for you. While the advice giver may feel one way, the recipient of the advice may not take it as it was meant, or may not want to hear the advice at all. Lots of times, friends, family, and even strangers offer advice to parents without being asked for any. If the advice is helpful, that’s a win-win. Other times, the advice is unwanted, but the parent isn’t sure how to handle the situation. Here are some tips to deal with unwanted advice about raising your child.

Say How You Feel (But Politely)

Sometimes you might want to snap back at someone who offers you unwanted advice about raising your child. It’s understandable. You are the parent and you know what’s best for your child. But before you shoot back with something you may regret saying, tell the person how you feel – about the fact that they are advising you how to parent and about the advice itself. This will give the person offering the advice the message that their advice was not needed and whether or not the advice is any good in your opinion. Tell the person that next time, you’d appreciate that they keep their advice to themselves, unless asked for it. This will help the advice giver to think first next time before issuing unwanted advice to a parent.

Just Listen, Then Go About it Your Own Way

There are people who will just blurt out advice no matter what reaction they may get. In this case, just let the person go on about their parenting advice. You can nod, shake your head, or tend to your child as they speak. This way, the person was able to say what they want to, and you can do what you want with the advice. No need to let them know how you feel about the advice, just take it in, then proceed in a manner that you feel is best for you and your child.

Give It Right Back

If you feel the advice giver is stepping over the line or is out of line, let them know. Show them that giving unwarranted or unsolicited advice can be damaging or hurtful. Give that person some advice and see how they take it in. A taste of one’s own medicine just may be the solution to ending unwanted parenting advice.

How do you deal with it when others offer unwanted advice about raising your child? What’s worked the best? What didn’t work too well? For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
