Great Ways To Boost Your Child’s Brain Development
The first years of a child’s development are some of the most active. When they are born, their brain accounts for about one quarter of the total adult weight it will grow to. However, by the time that toddler is three years old, that same little factory will have grown exponentially by producing hundreds of trillions of connections between billions of cells. Considering those statistics, you can see why every parent will want to know about everything they can do to foster their toddler’s brain development during this all important phase.
Raising a smart child can be fun for both the parent and toddler. Those growing connections and cells in their brain are hungry for new experiences and the more of those you can supply, the more intricate the neural highways for reasoning, language and problem solving evolve. Everything you do with him at this all important age will make a big difference. Perhaps the best news is you should be looking to have some fun at the same time.
Here’s a few different games to play together that will shore up their intellectual development. Remember, these are only templates and you can adjust the particulars as you see fit.
Paying Attention
Learning to pay attention and focusing are two of the building block skills your child will need to develop. Something as seemingly simple as removing tape overlapped on a refrigerator door is a great game to nurture these important aspects. It’s also important to show her how it’s done the first time around so she gets the idea of what is expected. Challenging your toddler to stack wooden blocks as high as she can will help to develop her concentration skills too.
Of course, good physical development is important to intellectual growth as well and that means parents need to be focusing on excellent nutrition and exercise. Jungle gyms, sandboxes and lots of well prepared vegetables and other good food are the stuff of future Einsteins. If you put things together in a fun way they understand, any learning experience and play will be one and the same to the developing young mind.
Toddler’s Intellect
A full language environment is another necessity for a young toddler’s intellect. Their brains are particularly flexible and the more words they hear, the more connections they put together. In the end, it shouldn’t be any surprise the number one activity to boost the intellectual development of your child is quality time spent with Mom and Dad.
While being a toddler does mean exerting a newfound independence, the parent/child attachment is still strong at this age and sharing language and ideas is much more important and useful than any games they can play separately. This quality time playing with, reading to or just talking with your toddler is the stuff that builds a healthy brain for your child and memories that will last a lifetime for you both.
Read more info like this at All My Children.
Author: Rob Starr