5 Fast Energy Boosters for Parents Who Need a Pick-Me-Up
Most parents will tell you that their kids have loads of energy. They’re ready for anything at any time, and then they’re ready for more. Parents who want to be as perky as their kids could use a boost. We’re not getting any younger, but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep up with the kiddos!
When you’re feeling depleted, try one (or more) of these 5 energy boosters to get your motor running!
Exercise First Thing
Wake up an hour earlier than usual while the kids are still asleep and sneak in your daily workout. When you get your blood flowing, you’ll be motivated to make the most of the day. No more excuses for missing workouts!
Ice Cold Lemon Water
Rather than chugging down another cup of coffee, go for something light and refreshing. An ice cold glass of water with lemon slices will pep you up without those caffeine jitters. Sip some right when you wake up and throughout the morning.
Pump Up the Volume
When you’re losing steam, put on your favorite playlist and groove to the music. The kids will love to dance and sing along with you. Like exercise, moving to the music will get your heart pumping.
Healthy Smoothie
It’s easy to grab a donut or a handful of chips, but those types of foods will cause you to crash and burn. Blend up a fresh smoothie of fruits, veggies, and protein powder instead. Making yours at home is far more economical than picking one up at your gym or health food store.
Power Nap
Sometimes a good rest is the only way to get a real reboot. Even 15 minutes of solid sleep can give you a jumpstart. Find a time when you can get relaxed and won’t be interrupted.
How do you find the energy to last all day?
For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.
By: Melissa A. Kay