What Caring for Pets Can Teach Our Kids

Pets are truly part of the family. Lots of kids want to have a pet, but they must be responsible enough to care for it. Not only do pets teach kids responsibility, but they can provide a wealth of other learning experiences for your growing child. Whether it’s a cat, dog, or even a lizard, a pet is more than something fun to have – a pet can teach your kids so much. This knowledge will help them deal with their peers in school or daycare and in future encounters for the rest of their lives. Read on to see what a new pet can teach children.


Caring for a pet, especially a new one, takes lots of time and patience. Your child may want the pet to do more than it can when you first adopt it. This is the perfect time for a lesson in keeping calm and having patience. Explain to your child that just as it took him time to get better at sports or in school, it will take the new pet time to perfect the tricks or commands you are trying to teach it. Your child will have to learn that with hard work and understanding, the new pet will become more advanced and better at what it’s being taught. This lesson in patience will benefit your child when he may become frustrated with others who may not be able to do things as quickly as he wants. The benefit of patience will become a positive character trait in your child that will help him navigate through future relationships.

Unconditional Love

A pet can give your child the wonderful feeling of unconditional love. Just like the love a parent has for their child, your child’s pet can fuel that emotion in your child. There will be ups and downs in the relationship your child has with his pet, but at the end of the day, the love he has for his pet will be unmatched. By giving your child the gift of feeling the sense of unconditional love, he will grow up with compassion, sympathy, and kindness. He will have the knowledge that happiness can come from the simple things and his pet can provide solace when he needs it. The love goes both ways – the pet will surely love your child just as much!

Hygiene & Cleanliness

Caring for a pet takes great responsibility. Your child will benefit if you teach him how to properly and carefully groom and clean the pet and the pet’s belongings. Once your child is old enough, he should begin this process. Whether it’s brushing, picking up droppings, bathing, walking, clipping nails, or some other hygiene need, get your child involved with the tasks appropriate for his age level and abilities. Keeping the pet clean and healthy is just as important as playtime and snuggling. This responsibility will help your child as he grows by teaching him the importance of caring for others and keeping his own body and personal items in check.

What has your family pet taught your child? For more information like this, please visit All My Children.

By: Melissa A. Kay

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