Tips to Get Your Kids Ready Faster In the Morning Before School
The morning rush is always a before-school chaotic conundrum. The kids needs to be bathed, dressed, fed, and packed for school or daycare. Parents need to get themselves ready too, leaving little time to get things done efficiently or on time. Oftentimes, we forget to do something important and feel frenzied throughout the process. Before you throw in the towel and accept this morning madness, try these tips to help you get the kids ready faster and more calmly. Yes, it can be done! The morning before-school pandemonium is about to change.
Decide on Breakfast the Night Before
Don’t leave it to the kids to fuss over breakfast when you’re in a rush. By the time they’ve decided whether they’d prefer pancakes or oatmeal, they could have already eaten. After dinner the evening before, give the kids a moment to think about breakfast. Make it fun with a check-off list with 3 options, sort of like a room service slip. What they pick is what they get, no changes. A plus to this method is that you can prep the breakfast the night before. You can make pancake batter, set out the box of cereal, or slow-cook a crock pot of oats. The kids will love their “made-to-order” meal!
Give Each Kid a Customized Cubby
With books and personal belongings spread out all over the house, collecting everything the kids need before school can seem like a scavenger hunt. Create a simple cubby or set out a large bin in a convenient spot for each child to keep their individual backpack, scarf, toys, pencils, etc. You’ll know what belongs to each child and where they can find their stuff quickly. No more forgetting permission slips or looking all over for that missing glove. A real time saver!
Get Up Earlier
Give yourself some “me time” before the kids get up. Get yourself ready first so all you need to do is concentrate on is the kids. You’ll be far calmer and more focused. You can also wake the kids 10 minutes earlier so that slow rise from the bed doesn’t cut into the getting-ready time. The kids won’t notice a few minutes difference but it will make a significant difference in your morning routine. You may even be ready early!
What do you do to manage the morning rush? For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.
By: Melissa A. Kay