Tips for Keeping Kids Occupied During School Break

Kids usually can’t wait until they have some vacation time off from school. With winter break fast approaching, you’ll have the kids around the house for more time than you normally do. While it’s fun to spend time as a family and doing recreational activities, kids need to be kept occupied, or else boredom sets in quickly (and you will no doubt hear about it!). Here are some tips to keep the kids occupied while they are home for an extended school break. They will have a ball and you’ll have some sanity knowing the kids are happy!

Indoor Treasure Hunt

Keep the kids on their feet and involved in a scavenger hunt right inside your home. Make a list of odds and ends hid all around the house, and the first child to check off every item on the list wins. You can also arrange the hunt so that the kids won’t get the clue for the next item to locate until they find one before it. You can make a new list each day for endless fun. The kids can even make a list for the adults!

Fashion Show

Kids love to play dress up and here’s their chance to work the runway! Let the kids pick out all their favorite looks and if it’s OK, give them a couple of your accessories, hats, and belts to try on. Play some music and let each kid show off their fashion sense and swagger! The kids will love mixing and matching clothing and showing off their signature styles.

Dance Party

Pump up the music and dance the night away! Make a playlist of the kids’ favorite tunes and let them boogie down to the beats. You can go for dancing only or play a game like musical chairs. Before you know it, the kids will be exhausted from the fun and ready for a solid night’s sleep. Make a new playlist and dance all over again the next day. Not only is dancing a ton of fun, but it is also a great form of exercise.

How do you keep the kids occupied during school break? We would love to share your ideas with the AMC community. For more information like this, please visit All My Children blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
