Teaching Kids to Play Fair
Kids will be kids, and sometimes that means they don’t (or won’t) play fair. Whether it’s unintentional or misbehavior, kids must learn what it means to play with their peers in a fair and friendly manner. These tips will help you teach your children some important basics to playing fair and will stick with them as they grow and mature.
Sharing is Caring
Sometimes, whether it’s at home or at school or daycare, there are not enough toys or games for every child to have his or her own. This is where the importance of sharing comes in. Teach your child that every kid deserves a chance to have fun and play. Allot a certain amount of time each kid gets with the toy or suggest ways they can play with one another. Sharing is more fun than playing alone and gives each child a chance to try out a variety of toys. As kids get older, they will be more generous and giving since they’ve learned it is OK to share and it can benefit all parties.
Don’t Be a Sore Loser
Your child won’t likely win every game he plays. When he does win, he deserves to feel proud and celebrate. However, if he loses, he must learn to congratulate the opposing party and never belittle their accomplishment. He should also know that he did his best and to not put himself down either. Calling other kids names or being cruel to them won’t make your kid come out any better. Sure, he may be upset or frustrated, but this is the way life goes – sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Teach your child that as long as he tried his best, he will always be a winner. This lesson will carry on through adulthood in the workplace and in other encounters in the years to come.
Include Everyone
Oftentimes, there is one child who is left out of the group. He or she may be too shy to participate or other kids may be bullying or excluding them. Teach your child to stand strong and be the one to invite this person into the playgroup. Not only will he make a new friend, but he will show the others how to be fair and kind. By standing up for others, your child will become a shining example of the right thing to do. As he gets older, this will help him make friends of all types and be open to new relationships.
How do you teach your kid to play fair? Please share your tips with the AMC community. For more info like this, please visit All My Children.
By: Melissa A. Kay