Teaching Kids Confidence

As our kids grow and develop, having a strong sense of confidence can help them get through whatever life throws at them. Feeling good inside will also radiate to others. Kids have a lot to be proud of and deserve to have the confidence to share it with the world. Here are a few ways to instill pride, power, and high self-esteem into your child.

Stand Tall Something as basic and simple as standing straight, shoulders back, and head held high can make a difference in your child’s level of confidence. By appearing confident, your child will look self-assured to others and will feel the same himself. Tell your child that even if he is feeling shy or nervous, he can get past those first steps by looking strong and confident. If your child keeps these tips in mind, he will always approach new people and situations with a sense of self-worth. Others will acknowledge his presence and this will only add to his self-confidence.

Introduce Yourself Of course, we want to teach our kids to never approach strangers, but when we give them the OK, they should initiate introductions to others. By saying hello to kids at school or daycare or to others they’ve never met before, your kid will be seen as confident and will feel proud of himself for making the first step in a new relationship. If he is shy, prep him with some conversation starters such as, “I’m Johnny, nice to meet you, what is your name?” Or, he can give a heartfelt compliment like, “That is a cool backpack! I love SpongeBob too.” By starting up a conversation, your child will become part of a group and won’t wind up left out.

Join a Group Every child is good at something. Whether it’s sports, art, music, or even volunteering. By participating in a club, team, or group, your child will learn to co-exist with his peers and make friends with those who have similar interests. Once the ice is broken with a common hobby, your child will be more confident in forming new relationships. If your child has a hard time making friends, by joining a group, he will have more assurance that he will meet another child who he has something in common with. Soon, this can develop into more of a friendship. The teamwork that comes with being part of a group is a self-esteem driver, especially when your child gets to share the joy with his peers.

Teach By Example One of the best ways to teach your child to have confidence is to have confidence yourself. When your child sees you in a positive light, he will surely follow suit. Show him you are not afraid to enter into new situations, make new friends, or stand up for yourself when necessary. Your confident attitude will speak volumes to your child and will give him something to model after. Confidence is contagious!

What do you do to teach your kid to have confidence?

For more info like this, please visit All My Children. By: Melissa A. Kay