Talking to Your Toddler About a New Sibling on the Way

If you have a toddler and are pregnant or plan to add a new addition to your family soon, you will surely need to explain to your little one about the new sibling she’ll be getting. There will be excitement, curiosity, and possible jealousy, among a range of emotions. You can make this wonderful time your family is about to experience one that will bring your toddler into the loop and make her feel important and happy with what’s about to happen. Here are some useful tips on how to talk to your toddler about a new sibling on the way.

Where Is the Baby Now?

Once you break the news that a new sibling is on the way, your toddler may want to know where the baby is now. She may not have seen a pregnant woman before or understand that the baby grows inside the mommy. If you are pregnant, the simpler the explanation, the better, until your child is older. Let her know that the baby needs to get big enough to be able to live in the world and mommy is helping the baby grow and become strong until it’s time to meet. You can tell your toddler that she can help by “making nice” to your belly and talking to it. This will make her feel like she is helping and involved. If you are adopting or welcoming your new baby in another way, explain that the baby needs to get ready for his or her new family and will be with you soon. In the meantime, you can talk about being gentle and careful with the baby and how to treat him or her with tender loving care. In order to ease the anticipation and impatience, you can keep a visual ‘countdown to baby’ in the house.


What Will Happen to Our Current Relationship?

Your toddler may wonder (or may not realize) what will happen to your relationship once the baby arrives. Right now, she gets your undivided attention, but as soon as the new sibling comes, your time will be split, and at times, you’ll likely need to spend more time with the baby. Your toddler may experience jealousy or even anger and resentment towards her new sibling. You can help prevent this by encouraging her to participate as much as possible with the baby’s needs and schedule. Let your toddler sit with you while you feed (while she’s awake, of course), let her watch you diaper and bathe the baby, and make playtime a family affair. Your toddler may have an adjustment period, but eventually, she will hopefully enjoy the new family dynamic and look forward to time with the baby.


What Can I Teach the Baby?

As the older sibling, your toddler will surely delight in teaching her little brother or sister new things and sharing her toys. While she may be excited to get going immediately, you’ll have to help her understand that the baby is too small to do some of the things she may want to do. Encourage your toddler to have patience and if it’s not yet time to play, keep a list of things she’ll want to play with and teach her new sibling as the baby gets older. She’ll be so excited as the baby reaches new milestones and can interact with him or her more and more. Being the older sibling will be a rewarding role for your toddler and the love will grow as each year goes by.


How did you talk to your toddler about his or her new sibling on the way? What were some of the main concerns you encountered? For more information like this, please visit All My Children Daycare.

By: Melissa A. Kay
