summer break kids beach

Summertime Socialization: Tips for Parents During Summer Break

Summer break allows kids to relax and have fun, but they can lose touch with their school friends. This can be especially tough for young kids still developing their social skills.

There are several things that parents can do to help their kids stay in touch with their friends over the summer, plus make new friends too.

kids girls grass

Here are a few ideas for summer break:

  • Encourage them to stay connected online. Social media can be a great way for kids to keep in touch with their friends during summer break, even when they cannot see each other in person. Encourage your kids to chat, message, and share photos with their friends on social media. Depending upon their age, be available to assist your child when they are online.
  • Plan playdates and get-togethers. Plan some playdates or get-togethers with your kids’ friends over the summer. This will allow them to catch up.
  • Host a summer party. If you have a backyard or a pool, why not host a summer party for your kids and their friends? This is a great way for them to have fun and stay cool in the summer heat.
  • Encourage them to participate in summer activities. If your kids are involved in any summer activities, such as sports, camps, or classes, they’ll have the opportunity to meet new friends and stay in touch with their old ones.
  • Be a role model. Show your kids how important it is to stay in touch with friends. Keep in touch with your friends and family, and encourage your kids to do the same.

Staying in touch with friends is important for kids’ social and emotional development. Following these tips can help your kids stay connected with their friends over the summer and have a fun and memorable summer.

kids summer break sand beach

Here are some additional tips for parents:

  • Be supportive and encouraging. Let your kids know that you’re happy for them to stay in touch with their friends and make new ones and that you’re there to help them if they need it.
  • Help your kids come up with a list of their friends. This will make it easier to plan playdates and get-togethers during summer break.
  • Talk to your kids about how they plan to stay in touch with their friends. This will help you understand their preferences and ensure they’re using social media safely.
  • Set some ground rules (age-appropriate) for social media use. This could include limiting screen time, not sharing personal information online, and being respectful of others.

For more information like this, please visit AMC blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay