Simple Ways to Stick to Your Morning Schedule
Balancing life as a parent can be difficult. From car rides to play dates to getting homework done, there never seems to be enough time in the day to do it all. We can’t always prepare for the unexpected, and life’s twists and turns rarely take us where we planned to go.
So, how can parents stick to a schedule when life with kids is so chaotic? You will have to allow for wiggle room for the unpredictable, but there are some techniques you can try to better plan out your day.
Check out these 3 morning schedule planning tips so you can tackle the day without getting dizzy!
Start at Sunrise
Wake up an hour or so before the kids get up. Earlier if you can do it. This will give you time to get your “ducks in a row.” Shower, grab a bite for breakfast (coffee please!), do a little exercise if you have the time, and get dressed. You’ll be wide-eyed and energized for what comes next.
Have breakfast ready for the kids and put out their clothing the night before. Backpacks should be neatly arranged so they can grab their lunch and go. Not every morning will run like clockwork, but with some structure, you’ll be less likely to be late.
Cooperation is the Key
Everyone has to be on board to make the operation run smoothly. Have a family discussion about why it is important to cooperate when there’s a time crunch, particularly before school. Give your kids “points” for behaving to reward them when they help you get through the morning without too many mix-ups…or mayhem!
When everyone does their part, things tend to fall into place.
Get Enough Zzzs
Without proper rest and recuperation, it can be hard to make it through the morning without a meltdown. Both you and your children need adequate rest. You want to function at your peak; parenting is exhausting enough! And with a good night’s sleep, your kids will be better able to concentrate in school and stay healthier.
What do you do to stick to a morning schedule? Any tips for the AMC community? Share your ideas in the comments section.
For more information like this, please visit All My Children’s blog.
By: Melissa A. Kay