Quick Morning Beauty Tips for Moms on the Go
The morning before school or before you have to drop your child at daycare is hectic enough – who has time for hair, makeup, and the rest of your beauty routine? With some easy to do ideas, you can look put together every day in just a few spare minutes. Why not look great even if you’re in a rush? Read on for some quick morning beauty tips for moms on the go… just like you!
One Product Face
Just because you are a mom on the go, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a fresh looking face. You may be headed to work or out for the day, so it’s always ideal to look your best. You can do your makeup in a jiffy if you stick to one makeup product that can be used for eyes, cheeks, and lips. Find a creamy rouge or cheek tint that is hypo-allergenic and suits your skin tone. Go for a peachy pink or a wine-based shade. You can use a light swipe on the eyelids, blend into the apples of your cheeks, and dab onto your lips for a sweet smile. You will look coordinated and bright. No one will ever know the pretty look only took moments to achieve.
Slick Hair
When you are pressed for time to wash, dry, and style your hair, go for a sleek slicked back look. If you have short hair, quickly dampen your hair and apply hair balm or gel and comb back off your face. Part on one side for a sleek look or all back for a more severe style. The slicked back look is in style and will look like you spent lots of time to achieve. Your hair will be off your face and will stay in place all day. For longer hairstyles, slick hair back in a stylish headband or pull hair back into a tight ponytail. You will look neat and trendy, and no one will have a clue you didn’t have time to wash that morning.
Neat Nails
If your nails are a mess but you have no time for a manicure or to do your nails yourself, you can still achieve nice nails in a snap. Quickly clip your nails so they are all the same length. Line the underside of the nails with a white nail pencil which you can find at any drug or beauty store. This will make them look clean and almost like a French manicure. Coat nails with one coat of clear 1-minute drying polish. Next, rub cuticle oil, baby oil, or even olive oil on fingertips and cuticles for a smooth look which eliminates dry skin and pesky hangnails. Your hands will look beautiful in just a few minutes.
Now, you have no excuse for not looking amazing every day! It’s easy and super-fast.
What are your quick morning rituals? Please share your secrets with us! For more tips like this, please visit All My Children.
By: Melissa A. Kay