New Year’s Resolutions for Kids
2017 is upon us and many of us make promises and plans for the year to come in the form of resolutions. Get the kids in on the action too with some ideas that will make the year better and brighter for them as they grow and prosper.
Resolutions are a great way to teach our children to strive to become well-rounded, better friends to their peers, higher achievers, and more caring individuals. If your child is unsure about what his resolutions should be, here are some ideas to get his thoughts flowing. He may like these or use them as inspiration. Let’s all say “cheers” to a prosperous and happy year to come!
Have More Patience
A useful resolution that is important for people of all ages is to be more patient. Whether it’s cutting his brother or sister a little slack or thinking before saying something he may regret, patience is a virtue that will only make your child a better version of himself. He can practice by being more tolerant when he’s frustrated, allowing his friends or siblings to try something first, or waiting his turn without becoming antsy. With patience comes a sense of calm and stability that your child will take into his adult years.
Read More
Reading is educational and entertaining for kids (and adults) of all ages. Encourage your child to resolve to read more often, aside from his school assignments. He can read rather than watching TV or playing video games and learn that the fun and adventure can be even greater when they jump off the pages of a riveting book. Promise to take your child to the library or bookstore frequently so he can keep his resolution to read more last all year and beyond. Once you have an avid reader on your hands, you will see how his school performance soars, his vocabulary blossoms, and his imagination becomes more complex.
Eat Healthier
We can all benefit from ditching the junk and eating more nutritious foods. A smart and healthy resolution is to vow to eat more consciously and healthfully. Teach your child what healthy eating is all about and cook as a family when possible. Show your child that fresh fruit can be as delicious as cookies and veggies are a great side dish option when mac and cheese is also on the menu tempting him to indulge. With proper habits when it comes to eating, your child will be energetic, fit, and well aware as to how to maintain a proper weight and balanced diet. Of course, a treat now and then is not going to ruin his resolution, but with the mindset to be healthy, he will stay on course for a lifetime of good choices.
Did your child make any New Year’s resolutions? We’d love to share their resolutions with the AMC community. For more info like this, please visit All My Children’s blogs.
By: Melissa A. Kay