My Child Hates Homework! What to do…

When the kids get home from school, the last thing on their minds is more schoolwork. However, most teachers assign homework in order to reinforce what they’ve learned in the classroom and to perfect their skills. If your child actually looks forward to doing their homework, you are one lucky parent! For the majority though, it’s a chore to get your child to do their homework when they’d rather be playing with friends or vegging out in front of the TV. If your child hates homework, you are not alone, but there are ways to get him to get it done with a smile. Here are some tips to make homework time happy time.

Offer a Snack

Most kids come home from school with a grumbly tummy, so make snack and homework time a simultaneous activity. Prepare a tasty snack that’s easy to pop in the mouth like frozen grapes, mini cookies or crackers, or trail mix. Make sure it’s nothing that can drip onto his papers creating a sticky mess. While noshing, your child will better concentrate on his work and will be more willing to stick with the homework through completion. He won’t be distracted by hunger pangs, and once the snack and work are completed, he can go out and play or relax in his room.

Do it With Him

If you sit with your child as he does his work, he may feel more confident and comforted that he can get it done. Allow him to show you his work as he completes each task, and offer help when he’s in a bind. Even if you sit nearby and read a book or work on your own project, he will feel a sense of togetherness and partnership. Sitting alone doing work can seem boring, so your presence will get him through it. Do this right after school so it’s not a struggle to get him back into school mode to sit and do the homework.

Give Him a Break

Alternatively, some kids fare better when they can have a short time to blow off some steam and play for a half hour before diving into their homework. Set a timer and once that buzzer goes off, it’s homework time. He will feel more relaxed and ready to get back to work once he’s had a little fun. Have a cold drink ready and lay out his books so everything’s ready to go. Once he’s done, he can get back to playing or relaxing. The short break will be appreciated and give him a newfound burst of energy to finish his day’s work.

Does your kid hate homework? How do you get him or her to get it done without a battle? We’d love to share your tips with the AMC community.

For more information like this, please visit All My Children Daycare’s blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
