Mapping your child’s personality path
There are many character traits that go into making us who we are as adults and it should be no surprise these individual qualities get written into our personalities when we are children. Although there are many shades of gray and a broad spectrum of how the traits blend together in each and every one of us, there are several clearly defined temperament markers that are recognizable in most children.
Frustration Tolerance
This personality trait that will get used often as an adult should be recognizable when your child becomes a toddler. If your child has a persistent streak and rises to the occasion when challenged that’s great, but even if your youngster tends to give up easily, there are a few techniques parents can use to build up their tolerance and desire to keep trying until they succeed. If you find your daughter getting frustrated with a task, backing away to come back and try again after a nap might refresh and invigorate her. If your son is trying the same thing over and over again without any luck, you might want to try to change things up by suggesting a new approach.
How you see them responding to change is another trait you’ll want to keep an eye on. Pushing their plate away when there’s a new food on it or acting out because there’s been a change in the bedtime story routine might be showing an inflexible side to your son. If that’s the case, there’s no need to worry; Mom or Dad can run a little interference and talk about how tasty peas really are before they wind up on the plate or bring a favorite stuffed animal along during bedtime transition periods.
It’s the same if your daughter is a little hesitant around any new people you bring into the fold since your child’s reaction to these folks is an attitude that highlights another aspect of their emerging personality. Those kids that are generally slow to warm up need some support and can be introduced from the comfort of your arms to ease into making new friends.
Influencing Your Toddler’s Personality
There are several factors that influence whether your child’s personality traits are strengthened or subdued as they grow up and of course her parents are the biggest bellwether. Because toddlers are always looking to Mom and Dad for how they should feel and act in situations, you can take the lead in developing good relationships with relatives and friends.
Of course your home needs to be a nurturing environment that supplies encouragement and support. Keep in mind the personality path you’re walking now with your child will set the groundwork in the future for the way he/she deals with other people, solves problems, thinks and even what will eventually interest and motivate them. Taking the time to get to know their emerging temperaments now means understanding your son or daughter better and learning to love and value those traits that set them apart.