Little Ways to Save Money for Something Special this Year

It can be difficult to manage your money when you have a growing family. You focus on the necessities and if your budget is tight, luxuries don’t even come into the picture. But you work hard and you deserve something special, just for being you! The thought of a large payment can be daunting, so here are some ways you can save a little bit each day. Before you know it, you will have enough money for that special trip, new pair of shoes, redecorating project, or whatever you’d love to do or have. You won’t even notice the small changes you’ll make each day, but you will surely appreciate the reward you’ve saved up for.

Skip the Latte

Do you hit up the fancy coffee shop each morning for a mocha cappuccino or a chai tea latte? A few bucks a day doesn’t seem like much, but when you add it all up, the cost may shock you. You may be spending over $100 a month for these sweet sips! Save your dough and brew a pot coffee at home. It’ll be a fraction of the cost and you’ll probably shed some calories off your diet too.

Order the App

If you dine out, forgo those huge main dishes and order an appetizer as your main course. The portion will be big enough to satisfy and the cost could be as much as 50% less. Share a few apps among the table for variety and nibble on the free bread to fill you up. Additionally, forget sugary sodas and alcoholic beverages. Stick to water, which is not only free, but is so much healthier for you.


Gas can be expensive. Team up with parents in your area to carpool the kids to school, sports games, dance class, religious school, etc. Not only will carpooling help form friendships, but it will help save money on gas and reduce your carbon footprint. Good things all around.

Go for Generic

Do your kids eat breakfast cereal faster than you can restock it? All those boxes are ridiculously expensive and many have a generic equivalent that’s just as delicious. You will save dollars per box and the kids will never notice. If they think they won’t like the generic type, keep a box of the name brand and refill the inner bag with the generic variety. Sneaky but smart!

Keep the Change

Get a jar to keep in the kitchen and drop all the loose change you accumulate each day into the jar rather than leaving it at the bottom of your purse. A few cents every day will add up to big bucks over time. You won’t miss the money and will be pleasantly surprised when all those coins become a significant amount of money – perfect for putting towards your special something!

Before you know it, your daily savings will add up to big bucks. Be sure to keep track of what you’ve saved and treat yourself once you’ve reached your goal.

For more information like this, please visit All My Children blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
