How to Get Your Toddler to Try New Foods

Toddlers can be picky eaters and may be reluctant to try something new. While it may be tempting to give in and let your toddler only eat the foods he’s familiar with, it will benefit you both to have him explore new tastes and textures at an early age. When a simple offer of something different won’t cut it, here are some ways to get your toddler to try new foods with a few sneaky techniques. Before long, his palate will expand its reach for new flavors and options. You may even have a future gourmet in the making!

Blend Veggies into Sauces and Fruit Smoothies

If you are having trouble getting your tot to eat enough servings of vegetables, you can conceal them in sauces and smoothies. Kids won’t notice any difference in taste and only you will know that he’s getting the vitamins and nutrients he needs from the veggies. You can puree any greens and carrots and add them to pasta sauce for noodles or even for a pizza sauce. When you make fruit smoothies, you can add a handful of spinach and blend it into the smoothie. The spinach flavor goes undetected and the smoothie tastes sweet from the fruit. Experiment with different veggies and add more each time until your child gets used to the flavor. Before you know it, you will be able to serve these veggies on their own!

Pair New Foods with Something Familiar

You may have issues getting your toddler to taste something unfamiliar. Pair small bites of the new food with foods he already likes. For instance, if you are trying to get your child to try cheese, pair small bits of the cheese with cut up bananas or some crackers. He won’t be overwhelmed with an entirely new plate of food and can taste tidbits of the new offering as he snacks on the other foods. Try different things each time to learn what types of new foods he enjoys the most. Once he’s more familiar with the new food, it can become a new snack on its own.

Hide New Items into a Sandwich

Perhaps you are trying to get your toddler to try something new but he won’t even take a bite. Here’s a good way to get him familiar with the flavor – sneak a sliver into a sandwich he already likes. Try a slice of tomato, cheese, or a new cold cut. If he loves turkey but won’t try roast beef, sneak in a tad of the roast beef into his turkey sandwich and see if he’ll eat it. He won’t be able to see what’s inside the sandwich so there’s a better chance he’ll try something new and actually like it.

How do you get your toddler to taste new foods? What has worked the best? For more information like this, please visit All My Children.

By: Melissa A. Kay
