Healthy Recipe Swaps Your Kids Will Never Know You Made

Parents know it can be difficult to get kids to eat healthfully. With all the TV commercials advertising fast food, candy, sugary cereals, and other not-so-good-for-us treats, it’s no wonder Brussels sprouts aren’t what kids are asking for. There’s hope though, and you can sneak some healthy ingredients into foods your kids will actually eat and love! Try these 4 simple swaps to include nutritious ingredients into everyday recipes. Your kids will never know the difference, and you’ll feel good about feeding them something healthy.

Use Unsweetened Applesauce Instead of Oil
Who needs all that excess fat and grease? Use the same amount of unsweetened applesauce to replace the oil in your favorite muffins, cakes, and other baked goods. Not only does applesauce add a nice, sweet flavor, but the serving of fruit you’ll be providing your kids is much healthier than oil. The kids will never know you’ve made the swap, and you’ll know they’ve gotten their “apple a day”! Try applesauce in place of sugar in recipes too, just reduce the amount of liquid in the batter.

Greek Yogurt as “Mayo”
We use mayonnaise all the time… in tuna salad, cole slaw, as a condiment on cold cut sandwiches, in macaroni salad, and so many more dishes. All that fat is unnecessary for our kids. Make your meals healthier my using thick, rich Greek yogurt wherever you’d use mayo. Not only is it so smooth and fresh, but it packs a wallop of protein and calcium which your kids need to grow strong. You can even add some herbs and spices to liven up the yogurt for an extra zing. The kids will never realize you’ve replaced their mayo and you’ll know their lunches are healthier than ever.

Seltzer with Fruit vs. Soda
There’s simply nothing positive about giving our kids sugary soda. However, they can still enjoy that fizzy sensation with a healthier twist. Try adding sliced fruit and a small amount of fruit juice to plain seltzer water, and the kids will be satisfied. You can even add a few drops of food coloring to create a similar appearance to the drinks they are used to. If they claim their new beverage isn’t as sweet as the soda they’ve grown accustomed to, add a few sprinkles of a natural sugar-free sweetener like Stevia. You can even use a bit of regular sugar and your new drink will still have way less sugar than the sodas they’ve been sipping in the past.

Cauliflower for Potatoes
Lots of kids won’t even try cauliflower. Who can blame them? It looks funny and has an unusual consistency. However, when you steam and mash cauliflower and add a little salt, pepper and a tiny amount of butter or low-fat sour cream, the kids will swear they are eating mashed potatoes. The end result looks just like a heap of mashed potatoes, but the veggies in your creation will have the kids none the wiser. Try a half and half recipe of potatoes and cauliflower at first and then go for the full-on change. Everyone will be asking for seconds.
Have you tried any food swaps? Tell us! For more info like this, check out the All My Children website.