
Fun Indoor Activities for Kids on Brutally Hot Summer Days

Summer is here! But sometimes, it’s just too hot to play outside. Indoor activities can save the day when the sun is blazing and the temperature soars. Here are some fun and unique ideas to keep your young kids entertained and happy inside.

kid pillow


Indoor Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course in your living room. Use pillows, blankets, and furniture. Jump over pillows, crawl under tables, and balance on cushions. You can even use masking tape to create a path on the floor. Time your kids as they navigate the course. They’ll love the challenge!

Story Time Theater

Turn your living room into a theater. Pick a favorite storybook. Read it together and then act it out. Use costumes and props from around the house. You can use old clothes, scarves, and hats to create costumes. This activity sparks creativity and encourages a love for reading.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Plan a scavenger hunt inside your home. Make a list of items for your kids to find, such as a blue sock, a spoon, or a stuffed animal. Give them a basket to collect the items. Giving clues or creating a treasure map can make it more challenging.

DIY Crafts

Set up a craft station. Use paper, crayons, stickers, and glue. Encourage your kids to create their masterpieces. Try specific projects like making paper plate animals or creating homemade playdough. Crafting is an excellent way for kids to express themselves and develop fine motor skills.

Dance Party

Have a dance party in your living room. Play your kids’ favorite songs and dance together. You can also play “freeze dance,” where everyone has to freeze when the music stops. Dancing is a great way to burn off energy and improve coordination.

Indoor Camping

Set up a camping adventure inside. Use a small tent or create a fort with blankets and chairs. Bring in sleeping bags or blankets to sit on. Have a picnic with snacks and read camping-themed books. You can even make s’mores in the microwave!

Cooking Fun

Get your kids involved in the kitchen. Choose simple recipes they can help with, like making sandwiches, fruit kabobs, or baking cookies. Let them mix, measure, and decorate. Cooking together teaches valuable skills and creates special memories.

Puzzle Time

Puzzles are great for quiet time. Choose age-appropriate puzzles with large pieces. Sit together and work on completing the picture. Puzzles help with problem-solving and hand-eye coordination. You can also make your own puzzles by cutting up a picture from a magazine or drawing.

Balloon Volleyball

Blow up a balloon and play volleyball inside. Use a piece of string or a ribbon to create a net. Take turns whacking the balloon back and forth. Keep the balloon off the ground for as long as possible. Balloon volleyball is safe and lots of fun.

Movie Marathon

Have a movie day. Pick a few favorite movies or shows. Make some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch. You can even create movie tickets and set up a snack bar. This is a relaxing way to spend a hot afternoon.

Build with Blocks

Get out the building blocks. Encourage your kids to build towers, houses, and castles. You can make it more fun by giving them specific challenges, like building the tallest tower or creating a bridge. Building with blocks helps with fine motor skills and creativity.

Science Experiments

Try simple science experiments at home. Make a volcano “erupt” with baking soda and vinegar. Create a rainbow with a glass of water and a flashlight. These activities are fun and educational, sparking curiosity and learning.

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More exciting indoor activities…

Reading Nook

Create a cozy reading nook. Use pillows, blankets, and a few favorite books. Spend time reading together. You can also have a “reading picnic” with snacks. Reading helps develop language skills and a love for books.

Art Gallery

Create an art gallery at home. Hang your kids’ artwork on the walls. Use string and clothespins or tape to display their creations. Have an “art show” where they explain their art to the family. This boosts confidence and celebrates their creativity.

Yoga for Kids

Introduce your kids to yoga. Find a kids’ yoga video online or create your own routine. Use simple poses like tree pose and downward dog. Yoga helps with flexibility, balance, and relaxation.

Puppet Show

Put on a puppet show. Use sock puppets or paper bag puppets. Create a simple stage with a table or box. Encourage your kids to make up their own stories and characters. Puppet shows enhance storytelling skills and imagination.

These indoor activities can turn a brutally hot day into a fun and memorable one. Your kids will enjoy the variety and excitement, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing they’re safe and entertained. Stay cool and have fun!

For more info like this, please visit AMC blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay

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