Character and Value-Building at AMC Winter-Spring 2023

Rogers Ave.

We focus on character-building and values.

The children learn why rules are important and good for us.
Every society needs rules and a court system to ensure that society is just and safe.
Rules, as well as police, judges, and courts (who ensure rules are followed), are essential and keep us
safe and happy.
Children understand why we have rules and happily follow class, home, and community rules.
They reflect a positive attitude towards police and other authorities when playing with toy figurines, seeing
police officers in the street or when a police officer visits them at school.

Respecting life – We accept everyone!

Rogers 3-K Building Bulletin from Ms. Jeanette’s class

Rego – Learning about respecting each other and respecting grown-ups and respecting life bulletin boards.

69th – The Value of Giving

2-year-olds give to charity at 69th Ave.

Kindness Campaign at AMC Sites – Wall Display at 164th