AMC Skill Building January – March 2023
69th Skill Building
Our 3K classroom on 69th Ave! They enjoy Center play + Skill building.
Science skills at 69th:
We predicted what would happen if we put an ice cube in salt water and regular water. Then we tested it out to see which one melted faster. We all found out that the ice melted faster in regular water.
Peek into the classrooms at 69th Ave AMC. We know that children learn best through activities that capture their interests. All My Children Daycare provides a wide variety of learning materials that are both interesting and educational.
Mayfield Skill Building
A child leads the “ Morning Routines” portion of circle time in Ms. Donna’s classroom at Mayfield.
Rogers Ave. Skill Building
See the UPK class at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School, Rogers Ave. having a blast learning through play and building skills.
Skill building and learning through play at Rogers:
Children in 3K go on a winter wonderland learning walk and use their environment to enhance their understanding of their world by exploring their neighborhood and strengthening their social, language, and communication skills.
Children in 3K produce authentic pre-literacy work by building upon their vocabulary, narrative skills, phonological awareness, print awareness, print motivation, and letter knowledge.
Pre-K at Sutphin Blvd. The children in the Pre-K classroom at Sutphin Blvd. engaged in gross motor stations during indoor gross motor play.
The 3-K children at Sutphin Blvd. were investigating how water changes color when adding food coloring. The children then used a dropper to place the colored water on a piece of paper and investigated the colored designs on the paper.
The children in the 3-K / Pre-K classroom at Sutphin Blvd. are sequencing the water cycle in the math center.
85th St. AMC Skills
Ridge St. Skills
Our trained staff provides children with a solid foundation in literacy, scientific-mathematical thinking, and social-emotional development and promotes a life-long appreciation of learning!
Ridge Music Class – We LOVE Miss Tracy!
188th St. Jamaica Estates
Check out the kids in motion at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School on 188th Street, Jamaica Estates having a blast and staying fit! Exercise has proven health benefits, so why not try bicycle curls, situps, or other exercises with your kiddos at home?
164th Science Skills
Room 1 – 3K Science lesson – making snow from baking soda & shaving cream!
Room 4
Room 3 – Toddlers
Rego – 2s class Fine Motor Skills
Rego Science Skills
Rego Flower Shop & Planting
Amsterdam Skills – Fine Motor Skills, Art Skills, Social Emotional Skills & Kindness
Utica – Students were well engaged in skill-building activities that captured their interest and sense of wonder!