AMC Site Highlights January-March 2023
Rogers Ave. Site Highlights
Celebrating 100 Days of School at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School 317 Rogers Ave., Brooklyn!
Black History Month at Rogers
Lefferts Ave.
Take a glimpse of parents and their children spending quality time working together on an amazing planting activity at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School over at 420 Lefferts Ave, Brooklyn, NY. The kiddos have been learning all about ecological awareness and, together with parents and peers, enjoyed celebrating the “New Year of the Trees” on Tu’BShevat!
Celebrating Passover at Lefferts AMC
85th Street
100 Days of School flew by at All My Children Daycare and Nursery School on W 85th Street, in NYC! We’ve accomplished a lot and still have loads more learning and discovery to achieve! Thank You to all the teachers, parents, and children!
Groundhog Day!
Groundhog Day learning and classroom activities followed by a nutritious, warm, and tasty lunch!
Valentine’s Day/Friendship Day
Check out more pics from AMC Valentine’s Day.
Tu Beshvat celebration at AMC headquarters
St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations!