Five After-School Conversation Starters
When your child comes home from school, would you like to know more about how their day went?
Do your kids rush into the house ready to play or go outside? Perhaps they go right to their homework after a quick snack. It’s fabulous to see their precious faces, but as parents, we’d love to know more about what went on at school that day.
Getting the details would help you better understand what’s going well at school and which areas could use improvement. These 5 after-school conversation starters could make all the difference.
What was the funniest thing that happened today? Your child will be eager to share a comical moment, even if the rest of the day wasn’t as entertaining. Starting off the conversation on a light note will help your child open up without feeling pressured.
Who was the nicest to you today? Having a good friend makes the day so much brighter. Remember to encourage your child to be kind to their classmates too. Kids (and adults alike) may tend to focus on the negative, so bring up the better things so they reflect back on their day with positivity.
What’s the best thing about your teacher? Rather than asking if your child simply likes their teacher, give them the opportunity to share something more specific. It’s a good way to learn more about their teacher as well.
What was your favorite part of lunch today? Your child may choose a snack they enjoy or the fact that they sat next to a particular person at lunchtime. School isn’t only about reading, writing, and arithmetic. There’s also the social-emotional developmental skills that blossom as children grow together.
Teach me something you learned today. This is a smart way to get your child excited about their lessons and it helps with reinforcement. Your child will feel proud that they are able to pass along this useful information!
How to you start conversations with your child after school?
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By: Melissa A. Kay