leaves child

Embracing Fall Feelings: Social-Emotional Learning for Young Children

Fall is a season of change. These changes can bring forth certain fall emotions in children. Acknowledging this is essential, as it helps children develop social-emotional skills.

Understand Fall Emotions

  • Excitement: Getting ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving can be thrilling.
  • Sadness: The end of summer can cause sadness.
  • Gratitude: The beauty of nature can be inspiring.
  • Anxiety: Changes in routine can cause stress.
fall child


Teach Gratitude

Gratitude can help children feel happier. In addition, it can make them feel more connected to others.

  • Keep a Journal: Encourage children to write things they are grateful for daily.
  • Circle Time: Have children share something they are grateful for in a small circle of friends.
  • Scavenger Hunt: List items for children to find that they are grateful for, such as a colorful leaf or a squirrel with a nut.
  • “Thanks” Jar: First, have children write positive affirmations on paper. Then, place them in a jar. Lastly, read them together. Sharing makes the feelings extra special.

Express Fall Emotions

Helping children healthily express their feelings is essential for emotional well-being.

  • Label Emotions: Teach children to identify their emotions. Use simple words like “happy,” “sad,” “angry,” and “scared.”
  • Role-Play: Act out scenarios to help children express their feelings.
  • Art Therapy: Encourage children to express emotions through drawing, painting, or other creative activities. Also, music and movement can be used as therapy.
  • Talk About Feelings: Create a safe and supportive environment because this is where children can openly discuss their feelings.

Kindness and Helpfulness

Lastly, kindness and helpfulness are critical social-emotional skills because they benefit children in many ways.

  • Acts of Kindness: Encourage children to perform acts of kindness, such as helping a friend, sharing a toy, or volunteering in the community.
  • Empathy: Teach children to understand and share the feelings of others, as empathy is essential in building relationships.
  • Conflict Resolution: Help children learn to resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise children for their kind and helpful behavior while modeling it yourself.
family Halloween


Additional Activities:

  • Read Stories: Read stories about characters experiencing fall-related emotions. Discuss how they handle them.
  • Gratitude Activities: Create a fall-themed gratitude tree or jar.
  • Kindness Projects: Organize a community service project, such as collecting food for a food bank.

For more info like this, please visit AMC blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay