3 Educational After-School Activities

Kids get plenty of great education during school hours, but what about after the bell has rung? Kids love to play or relax after a day in class, which is fine and encouraged for part of the time, but another way to spend those after-school hours is by doing something educational. There are a variety of activities kids can participate in after school that are super fun and interesting, but also provide a useful learning experience. These 3 ideas are sure to please both the kids and parents alike.

Book Club

Many local libraries hold reading groups or book clubs for kids. Children can participate in a group story time or read an assigned book and discuss it when the group meets. Kids will learn that reading can be fun with adventures, magical mysteries, and imagination. If there isn’t a club at your local library, create your own with like-minded parents from your area with kids who want to read after school. Prepare some snacks and give out cute bookmarks which the kids can decorate. The kids will enjoy the time together and sharing what they’ve read and learned.

Cooking Class

Lots of kids love to help out in the kitchen, so why not take their interest up a notch with a kid’s cooking class? Many towns have kitchens designed for instruction and even offer special classes for youngsters. Kids will learn about measuring, safety, nutrition, and sharing. Best of all, they will get to enjoy the goodies they’ve made in class and can come home and practice. The knowledge they will receive thanks to a cooking class will be something they will use for a lifetime and you will love the eager help you’ll get come dinnertime!

Art Course

Is your child a budding artist? For kids who like to paint and doodle, you can channel their creative nature into something even bigger. Enroll your child in an after-school art course. It could be oil painting, sketching, even pottery. Developing an artistic mind is part of a well-balanced education. Kids will learn to pay attention, use their creativity, and appreciate beauty in many forms. They will delight in bringing home their creations and will look forward to new inspiration.

Do you encourage educational after-school activities for your child? What are some suggestions for enriching programs and classes kids can enroll in after the school day is over?

For more information like this, please pay a visit to All My Children Daycare blogs.

By: Melissa A. Kay
