Big Discipline Mistakes You Need To Avoid

You’ve no doubt heard it before but it bears repeating—your child didn’t come with an easy to read manual so you’d know exactly how to act when they refuse to get ready for daycare or to go to bed. Making discipline mistakes is part of growing and learning as a better parent, but of course you want to avoid making the same errors over and over again. Remember, there’s no reason why you should feel guilty about needing a few adjustments in the way you discipline your child because no one’s toddler comes with an instruction booklet.

Acting When You’re Mad

Restraint always carries a number one priority. If you try and discipline your child when you’re mad, the chances of yelling or saying something increase dramatically. For example, the first thing Mom or Dad needs to do after their son or daughter has thrown a tantrum at the mall is stay calm. Remove yourself from the situation and take a few moments to reflect before you say anything. Keep in mind that time parenting disciplineouts work wonders for parents too.

Being Inconsistent

If you scold your daughter one week for not picking up her toys and then let her leave them laying around the house for a month, the child is bound to become confused by the lack of clear direction from her parents. The trick for discipline success here is not only being clear, but realistic. Calendars are a great way to tell him on what specific day you expect his room to be cleaned and be sure to stay away from degrees of punishment when he breaks the rules. He’ll learn what you expect and when and you’ll both be happier for it.


It’s tempting to offer a piece of chocolate as a reward to get your daughter to finish her vegetables, but there’s also a very good reason why that kind of behavior has made our list. Parents often keep a good bribe in their bag of tricks as a way to get through the grocery store or a road trip to Grandma’s, but there’s a better way. In fact, experts say reinforcing good behavior is the best practice and telling your child you are proud of the way they acted at the store afterward is much better than promising them a toy if they do the same beforehand. The toy or candy will soon be forgotten, but your approval is something they’ll always be looking for.
Finally, you need to remember children are always watching so you can’t be caught breaking your own rules. Telling your son that throwing toys in the house is something you won’t tolerate and then tossing the dog’s ball into another room to get it out of the way as you vacuum will be duly noted. He might even impose a time out on you, but at least you’ll have the compensation of knowing your rules are sinking in!


Read more info like this at All My Children.
Author: Rob Starr







Comments (4)

  • NANA USA November 7, 2015 - 8 years ago

    We have rewards and punishment when the child does good you reward and when the child goes wrong you rebuke.

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  • Elhayani August 14, 2016 - 8 years ago

    I have 3 kids 9 /6/4 always i have to bribe a toys or candy and more i know it’s wrong but they are tuff to make them understand

  • Felicia August 21, 2016 - 8 years ago

    My 5 year old don’t do nothing I say,when i screem at him he cries then i feel soory.He is not eating the right foods ,I don’t cook cause he’s not eating my food ,I just ask him what he want to eat ,and give it to him ,so I can get him to eat,he is my only child,how can I get control of my son?

    • Prisca September 7, 2016 - 8 years ago

      I’ve got a 5yr Old and a 7yr old…and these are tough ages! But the truth is kids will eventually eat when they become hungry–it’s human nature. So don’t worry too much if they refuse breakfast or lunch, etc. They’ll make up for it when theyou can’t hold out by dinner. Try to figure out a few good meals that he/she likes and improvise on those. Don’t buy foods you don’t want your 5yr old to eat. Find a healthy dessert they like (such as ice cream), and use it as leverage. Let them know that they can only get dessert as a reward for finishing their meals.

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